From the Feminine

Through Wise Women Circles, compassion centred individual psychotherapy & counselling, and inspirational literature, at From the Feminine, Sasha invites you to reconnect deeply with yourself and your community, reawaken to your greatest gifts and deepest dreams, and to shine your brightest light ... in service of the greatest flourishing of all humanity.

Wise Women Circles 

The concept of gathering women in Circle, blossomed for me after reading an inspirational book - "Circle of Stones - Women's Journey to Herself" by Judith Duerk. In this work, Judith explores a woman's place in the world "long ago, when life was still sacred, in many places on Earth", when women were revered for their feminine power. In the very first chapter she poses the following question ...

"How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you? A place for you to go ... a place of women, to help you learn the ways of woman ... a place where you were nurtured from an ancient flow sustaining you and steadying you as you sought to become yourself. A place of women to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself ... waiting to be released ...  A place of women ... How might your life be different?"

This touched my heart and soul and ever since I have felt deeply that part of my journey is to recreate these sacred spaces and bring them to life in our modern day context.  

So many conversations between women today happen amidst the bustle of our very full lives - mums' group conversations surrounded by busy kids, chats with friends at school pick ups, quick catch ups at work over the photocopier, 'deep and meaningfuls' with close friends which leave us yearning for more - that I felt it would be lovely for us to return to this sacred space, where we set an intention to focus our attention on who we are as women, individually and as a collective - a place to nurture this ancient feminine flow.  

I realised that recreating these Circles was in fact one of the best ways to achieve my vision of inspiring women to thrive and shine their brightest light.  By joining in circle we are providing each other with a gentle, loving and magical space where we can rediscover, nurture and honour the feminine within. The world has been significantly out of balance for a long time in this regard and I feel that, by each woman taking responsibility for the balancing and integrating of her wonderful masculine and feminine qualities, we provide a huge gift not only to ourselves and our children, but also to our world. It is impossible to "become" who we are in a vacuum, and so joining in community with other women, provides us role modelling, mirroring and support in our journey. 

It is my wish that every woman who comes along to a Wise Women Circle, feels that she has had a chance to step out of her daily life and into a few sacred moments where she is able to recharge, reconnect, value, affirm, love, honour and cherish herself and her fellow journey women. 

So, what happens at a Wise Women Circle? ...

Each Circle is simply a group of women coming together in a place of nurturing to speak of our dreams (even those we didn’t know we had - especially those!) and support each other to be the most wondrous women we can be … and indeed already are! 

The Circles do not draw from any particular religion or belief structures and while they may be therapeutic in their nurturing of your well-being, they are not a forum for any clinical therapy in any way.  Women are invited to join a group as an individual or you are welcome to create your own group which I will happily facilitate in the same way.

The same group of women remain together each month, as this allows for a deep level of connection to develop naturally. Each group meets once per month for approximately 2.5 hours. The size of the group will vary according to the group's preference, however most groups are between 5 and 7 women. 

Each month a different theme is explored through a combination of discussion, meditation, visualisation and quiet personal reflection. We take time to reconnect with our body, with our heart and with the group. We focus on creating a space where everyone is deeply seen, heard and received, by the group and within. 

As is so often the case with the most beautiful, sacred and magical of experiences, many women have expressed that there are no real words to explain what happens in a Wise Women Circle - it is simply something which needs to be experienced to be understood. 

It is my hope that every women who leaves a Circle feels she has rediscovered a bit of the magic she carries inside of her ... and carries this back into her world to use in her everyday tasks and interactions. 

If you would like more information, please send me an email through our Get in Touch form or book in below. 


Wisdom Circles 

A key part of From the Feminine's mission is to encourage balance and integration of the masculine and feminine in both men and women.  As such we have also created Wisdom Circles, where men and women can join together to reconnect with their deepest self, reawaken to the magic of their heart and soul and join together to support one another in leading authentic, joyful lives through the sharing of their gifts with the world.  

In the 12 months since From the Feminine created its first Wisdom Circle, we have had a wonderful response from men who have awakened to the power of the feminine and wish to honour this, both in the women in their lives, as well within their own being.  

Wisdom Circles follow the same format as the Wise Women Circles and also meet once per month. They are a fabulous option for couples who would like to journey in Circle together.  To date, the Wisdom Circle has been one of the most transformative groups which we have worked with - a true testament to the magnificent power and potential for growth which arises when the feminine and masculine connect divinely in true partnership. 


Lead your own Circle! 

In creating From the Feminine, one our my greatest dreams was to initiate a "ripple effect" of Circles around the world - millions of women coming together in modern day Circles to support each other in being who they came here to be and sharing their greatest gifts with the world.  

If you share this vision and feel called to lead your own Circle - either professionally or personally, we would love to hear from you and support you in your journey!  Sasha will be offering training and guidebooks on how to run Circles and will also be offering an ongoing Circle for women leading their own Circle as a place of nurturing and self development. If this resonates, please contact us!


Celebration Circles

From the Feminine also facilitates one-off Celebration Circles, such as Mother & Baby Blessings - an alternative to baby showers, Home Blessings - an alternative to housewarming parties, and other life transitions and major celebrations. 

So often the sacred nature of these transitions is lost in traditional social celebrations and From the Feminine seeks to bring back a sense of ritual and honouring of these precious moments, either through a stand alone ceremony or integrated into your traditional celebration. 

Please contact us if you would like further information.

Girls' and Young Women Circles

From the Feminine is now running Circles for girls and young women! We have our Twinkling Stars Circle for the 6 to 11 year olds (broken up into age groups of approximately 6 to and 8 to 11 years of age) and Shining Stars Circles for girls aged between 11 and 17, with the groups divided into approximate age ranges of 11 to 14 and 14 to 17 years. We also offer Bright Light Circles for young women who are launching out into the world from 17 to 24 years of age. 

The Twinkling Star Circles are are run to introduce our little twinkling stars to relaxation and meditation, healthy, loving communicating with friends and family and loving being who they truly are. We want to keep our beautiful twinkling stars deeply connected with their hearts and the magnificent lights which shine within them. Sessions run for approximately one hour and some sessions will include parent / guardian involvement. 

In addition to the above, in the Shining Stars and Bright Lights Circles, we also create sacred spaces to honour and cherish the many passages into womanhood which take place during this time in their lives.  We want to instil in these young women, a true sense of beauty, kindness, gentleness and respect for themselves and the world around them, and keep them deeply connected to their hearts and the magnificent lights which shine within them. Sessions run between 1.5 and 3 hours. 


The feeling when I come away from a Circle is one of peace and inner quiet. There is something so powerful in the conversations and meditations that Sasha cultivates within our group. Thanks for sharing your unique, special qualities with me Sasha - a beautiful soul inside and out.
— Sandy, WA.
Sasha, it was such an uplifting night. I left with so much to think about and I think a big change in my perspective on some issues in my life. Thanks for giving us the chance to just be ourselves!!!!
— Rachel, WA.
First I want to thank you for an inspiring, enriching night! Loved it!!! Even writing this, it makes me teary but I just had to tell you how powerful the evening was. You are doing an amazing, wonderful thing, and you do it with such unconditional love. Amazing! Thank you.
— Jodie, WA.
Thank you! It was an amazing evening - such awesome energy in the space you hold for us. I’m feeling great today - my energy is so different - basal, centred, calm and slow. So so so nice! Thank you for providing us with the space to share and open ourselves up to infinite possibilities. Wonderful awesome woman that you are. Thank you!
— Tash, WA.